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Governance Policies & Bylaws

In 2013, the Board of Education restructured its policies to better support the very important governance function of the board, clarify the roles of the board and administration, and to establish a clear delegation of responsibilities to administration.

The Board’s Governance Policy Handbook articulates and defines important objectives, principles or values, and roles, responsibilities and authority. It includes foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within the district; direction for how the board itself is to function, how individual trustees are to conduct themselves, and how board committees and representatives are to function; statements as to how appeals and hearings will be conducted; non-delegable matters such as school closures and policy-making; and specific matters which the board has not chosen to delegate to the superintendent.

Bylaws are also passed by the Board of Education to clearly set out the specific rules, not covered by legislation, by which the board will be governed. Bylaws are also legally required for budgets, capital projects, disposal of lands and school closures, but these specific bylaws are not presented as part of district policy.

The Board’s Governance Policy Handbook is supplemented by the district’s Operational Procedures Manual, the primary document in which the superintendent directs staff.

Periodically, the board reviews, makes changes to, or introduces new governance policies. These are presented at public board meetings with a notice of motion to allow members of the public and district staff to provide feedback. Any policies currently under a notice of motion are listed below. Feedback can be sent by email to the policy review committee c/o the superintendent's office by the feedback deadline listed.

Policies Currently Under Notice of Motion

Index of Individual Policies

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